Service Status Response Fields

Upon a successful valve disconnect command, the workflow provides the following response fields:

Response Field


Endpoint ID

The meter's device identification number.

Endpoint Type

The meter model (either Intelis Gas Meter or Gen5 Intelis Gas Meter).

Programmed Valve Status

The current state of the meter's valve:

  • Valve closed. The valve is closed and gas flow is stopped.
  • Valve open. The valve is open and gas is flowing.
  • Armed. The valve is primed to open when the meter's hardware button is pressed.

Magnetic Tamper

The meter's magnetic tamper value, which increments whenever the module is exposed to a strong external magnetic field. Exposure to a magnetic field can result in under-reported consumption or cause the meter to stop counting. This value does not automatically reset when the meter is programmed.

Non Metrology Counter

The number of times the meter received a non-metrology programming value.

Battery Status

The state of the meter's battery's electrical charge.

  • Good. The battery's charge is at greater than 10 percent of capacity.
  • Low. The battery's charge is at 10 percent or less of capacity.

Valve Actuation Life Status

Indicates whether the meter has exceeded its maximum allowable number of operations. An operation is counted for both valve open and valve closure operations.

  • OK. The meter has not exceeded the maximum allowable number of operations.
  • Nearing Max Value. The number of operations is within 10 percent of its allowable maximum.
  • Unknown. The number of operations is not known.

Last Command

The most recent command performed on the meter.

Last Command Status

The current status of the valve as a result of the last performed command:

  • Disconnected
  • Valve Armed

The Gen5 500W ERT Module (mobile mode) displays these service status fields.

Response Field


Valve State


Cut Cable

Whether or not the endpoint has detected a cut cable.

  • Yes. The endpoint has detected a cut cable.

  • No. The endpoint has not detected a cut cable.

Command Status

The current status of the valve as a result of the last performed command:

Service Disconnected

Replayed Command



Time of Last Operation

The date and time when a connect or disconnect was most recently performed on this module.